【China's Got Talent】Feet Pianist Liu Wei - 【中国达人秀】 刘伟

他的人生中就只有两条路 -- 要么赶紧死;要么精彩活下去!


[注]如果你想看更多刘伟的精彩表演,请留意大年初二 Channel U, 5PM 的《2011 梦圆东方 跨年晚会》,刘伟将会和王力宏同台演出哦!

Liu Wei shared that in life, he has got only 2 options - either to die ASAP, or to live splendidly! If you were him, what will be your choice?

He greatly inspire all to walk out of difficulties and face the reality.

[P/S]If you would love to watch more of his great performance, keep a look out on 4/Feb, Channel U, 5pm 2011 New Year Celebration Show. He will be performing together with another talented singer - Wong Lee Hom!


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