"Secrets for Sale" Preview 《拍。卖》独家首映会

What's the crowd out there in Carlton hotel on 4 Mar 2011? Oh yes! It is the private screening session of Channel U blockbuster "Secrets for Sale".
3月4日,为何卡尔登酒店内如此热闹? 原来是U频道重头剧《拍。卖》的独家首映会。。。

U Bloggers and lucky winners queuing to register for attendance to the private screening of "Secrets for Sale", filling up of lucky draw coupon and collecting goodie bag!

Delicate refreshments were served before the private screening! Are you starting to drool? 首映前还有茶点招待,看到如此精致的茶点,你是否垂涎欲滴呢?

All started to crowd outside Empress ballroom of Carlton Hotel, hoping to be the first to go into the ballroom and get their best seat!

Trailers are screened before the event starts!

Mcee for the night -- Lee Teng!
当晚的司仪 -- 李腾!

What has made the director, Mr Lee Jian Cai so excited to show off his "gongfu"? Well, he is sharing about the production of the drama and why Jesseca is chosen as the female lead role -- to present a different side of Jesseca who is often sterotyped as those that need protection.
究竟是什么原因让导演如此兴奋,大秀“铁沙掌”?其实他只是在分享为何挑选刘子绚为女主角 -- 呈现子绚鲜少见的另一面。

The 2 lead roles - Jesseca Liu & Christopher Lee went on stage to share about their experience in the show.
While busy shooting on the surrounding, is the videographer aware that he has been targetted as the subject of the photo?

A quiz session is held before the screening of the Episode one of "The Secrets for Sale" and lucky winners get to win Clinque products.

Hey, what is Jesseca whisphering to the gal next to her? Is she aware that she is being snapped? 咦,就座的刘子绚及身旁的小姐究竟在窃窃私语些什么?她是否察觉到她已成为他人的镜中物?
Yeh, finally it's time to Episode 1 screening!

Wonder why Christopher Lee is in wrapped up in gabbage bag?

OMG! How did Jesseca gets herself injured?

To find out the answer -- Keep a look out for "Secrets for Sale" which will be screening on 14 Mar 2011, 10pm. There is a total of 13 episode, which I'm sure will spice up your boring days!
欲知详情,请留意将于3月14日在U频道播映的《拍。卖》。 此剧共有13集,我相信它肯定能够为你乏味的日子增添些许色彩。。。

Oh yes, after the screening, 5 lucky winners get to win $50 Takashimaya vouchers. Among them, one lucky one will win the autographed poster as below!
首映会后还有幸运抽奖 -- 5位幸运儿分别赢取义安城高島屋的$50礼券。当中更有一位能够将李铭顺和刘子绚亲笔签名海报带回家唩!

Do you wished that you are the lucky one?

Before the end of the session, Jesseca and Christopher reminds all to stay tune at Channel U on 14 Mar 2011, 10pm.

What's in the goodie bag? Photoyou Magazine, A4 L folders, 2011 calender and Clinque trial size samples, all in the green recycling shopping bag, with courtesy from Channel U and the sponsors -- Canon Singapore & Clinque! Thanks so much! And U channel too!

U频道福袋里面的内容包罗万象,PhotoYou杂志,文件夹,2011年的日历及倩碧试用品!这一切都要多谢赞助商 -- 佳能及倩碧。当然还有U频道喽。

To know more details of the private screening, pls visit here.
Many other artistes participate in this blockbuster -- Thomas Ong, Chew Chor Meng, Lin Meijiao, Pan Lingling, Yao Wenlong, etc.
To understand the Synopsis & Cast of the blockbuster,and catch Exclusive Online Series , do visit official webpage.
Facebook Fanpage, pls visit here.


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