Movie Review: Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away 《太阳马戏团:遥远的世界》观后感

When Hong Peng from Hpility invited me to the screening of Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away, I was sort of excited.   I recalled that Cirque Du Soleil is a very famous Circus troupe and heard rave about their performance.

Watch in wonder as the juggler, clown, trampolinists and acrobats, etc take a poetic approach to bring you to the world of wonderland, and be fantasized by amazing stunts performed by the troupe.  Most scenes were taken using long shots which I wonder what is the reason, since the 3D effects is most obvious during zoomed in shots.  Then Hong Peng reminded me it is to give us the true experience  from the audience's angle.  Only then I realise how true is it!

The most impressive scene is when one of the female performancer performed her dance in the filled semi-circle fish tank that symbolised the moon.  And the other scene, is when the male lead role lie  on a white bed,  and surrounded by sea-waves liked bedsheets and "jelly fishes", you totally felt as though you are in the underwater world!

This silent movie might not be appreciated by all.  Personally I find Cirque Du Soleil Worlds Away is more like a silent theatre/musical play.  While there isn't really a pun in the storyline, it brings us through an amazing yet beautiful journey to the whimsical world of acrobatic performance.


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