[Quote of the Day] The Contradictions in LOVE

Came across the below which I think is meaningful and would like to share with you guys...

Love is very patient, but we are mostly impatient.
Love is very kind, but we are frequently unkind.
Love knows no jealousy, but we are often jealous.
Love makes no parade, but we are proud.
Love is never rude, but we are often rude and ill mannered.
Love is never selfish, but we are mostly self-centered.
Love never gets irritated, but we are short-tempered very often.
Love is never resentful, but we seem to look for slights and wrongs and make note of it.
Love is never glad when someone else goes wrong, but we often take secret delight in someone else's failure.
Love is gladdened by goodness, and is always slow to expose and eager to believe the best, but we are often judgmental.

Something worth pondering: 
Angels are supposed to be angelic but there are times of devilish acts. Are Angels no more Angels by these acts? Or have Angels transformed to Devils upon these acts?

P/S: This is a repost from my previous personal blog


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