King of Mahjong《麻雀王》 Gala Premiere & Movie Review

Attended the Gala Premire of King of Mahjong last week @ RWS, by courtesy of Clover Films. Here's some snapshots at the Red Carpet and within the Resort World Theatre.

有幸周出席了上周的《麻雀王》首映禮,多謝 Clover Films。在此大家分享紅地毯與在聖淘沙劇院所攝的照片。

Movie Synopsis:
“King of Mahjong” centres on the decade-long feud and eventual reunion of Wong Tin Ba (Mark Lee) and Ah Fatt (Chapman To), two top disciples of the legendary mahjong maestro, Master Ru(Eric Tsang).

20 years later, Wong Tin Ba, who is now a world-acclaimed mahjong champion and magnate, shows up in Ipoh to challenge Fatt to a final showdown – The World Mahjong Championship. Despite Wong’s insistence, Fatt declines to join the competition as he is determined and contented to lead the life of a commoner.

In order to force Fatt to turn up at showdown, Wong abducts Fatt’s wife, Ramona (Michelle Ye), and threatens her to be on his alliance. Fatt has no choice but to join the championship as Wong holds his wife hostage. On the mahjong table, Fatt and Wong compete as the finalists; Master Ru’s secret legendary mahjong move and the truth comes to light as the winner emerges...

阿發(杜汶澤)和阿順(李國煌)都是麻將天尊儒五常(曾志偉)的徒弟。阿發在怡保老街角落一間殘舊咖啡店賣釀豆腐,這間小店生意不算很好,但也過得去。阿發的妻子雷夢娜(葉璇)多年前已經出走,丟下他獨自撫養女兒四喜,如今四喜已是個花樣年華的少女。 阿發過了十多年輕鬆平靜的日子,有一天,咖啡店却來了一位不速之客之後。此人其實是十屆世界麻將大賽的冠軍皇天霸。兩人言談中,透露出對方叫“阿順”(皇天霸),跟阿發是同門師兄弟。阿發本來以為師兄弟敘舊十分開心,豈知對方卻下戰書,要阿發出席一場在新加坡的世界麻將大賽。为了逼迫阿發出席世界麻將大賽,皇天霸更是不择手段,拐走夢娜…

Director 導演: 
Adrian Teh 鄭建國

Starring 領銜主演: 
Chapman To 杜汶澤, Mark Lee 李國煌, Michelle Ye 葉璇, Venus Wong 王敏奕

Co-starring 主演: 
Adrian Tan 陳凱旋, Cheronna Ng 吴嘉熙, Richard Low 劉謙益, Dennis Chew 周崇慶, Patricia Mok 莫小玲, 
Lenna Lim 林家冰

Special Appearance 特別演出: 
Eric Tsang 曾志偉, Tien Hsin 天心, Lo Hoi Pang 盧海鵬, Kingdom Yuen 苑瓊丹, Mimi Chu 朱咪咪, 
Susan Shaw 邵音音

Guest Appearance 友情客串: 
Henry Thia 程旭輝, Leonon Lai 黎明明, Hayley Woo 胡佳嬑, Jayley Woo 胡佳琪, Marcus Chin 陳建彬, Brendan Yuen 袁順成, Tay Yin Yin 鄭盈盈, Uncle Frankie 李世平, Aaron Tan 陳志偉

Running Time: 112 minutes

King of Mahjong《麻雀王》Movie Trailer

Movie Review:
This is definitely a great movie for the family to watch together during the Lunar New Year. Why I wanted to watch this movie, is mainly because of the veteran comedian, Chapman To who is greatly loved by our family members, of course, not forgetting our local King, Mark Lee.  My initial thought that this is a purely gambling comedy movie.  After watching, I realised that the movie has more depth than what I thought.

The movie tries to bring out the benefits of mMahjong games, not to promote gambling but promoting it as a healthy social activity. AsMahjong requires players to use attention, memory, planning and calculation skills, this serves as a great treatment for dementia. Even for senior citizens who are not suffering from dementia, mMahjong can help in improving one's cognitive development,. It helps to keep one's mind sharp by exercising it through the games, allowing one to react faster.

On the other hand, it also stressed that while playing mahjong can be entertaining, it can be disastrous should one get addictive and got into excessive gambling. In additional, it emphasizes that that one should learn to enjoy the process and not be obsessive with the idea of "winning".  Sometimes, to lose is to win. What does it means to you when you win the whole world yet losing your loved ones?

What I loved best in the movie, is that majority of the dialogue is in Cantonese! Woo hoo, when is the last time we ever get to watch a movie that mainly in Cantonese in Singapore?  Fret not should you do not understand Cantonese as there is subtitles in both English and Chinese that help you understand what's going on. The special appearance by veteran actor and actress - Lo Hoi Pang, Kingdom Yuen, Mimi Chu and Susan Shaw, though short, leaves an impression with their great natural acting skills.

King of Mahjong will be screening in Singapore from 19 February 2015 and in Malaysia from 26 February 2015.

這是一部值得一家大小齊家到戲院觀看的賀歲電影。想觀看這部電影,不外是沖著我家最愛的喜劇之王,杜汶澤;當然也不忘本土天王 - 李國煌。原以為這僅是一部純粹搞笑的賭博電影,但,實屬更有深度。



電影最過癮之處,便是片中以粵語為主要語言,我們有多久沒在新加坡觀賞到粵語電影了?如果你不明白粵語,別擔心,片中有中英文字幕,讓不懈粵語的你,依然能夠明白影中人物的對白。老戲骨盧海鵬, 苑瓊丹, 朱咪咪, 邵音音的特別演出雖短暫,卻依然讓人拍案叫絕!

《麻雀王》 將於 2015年2月19日於新加坡上映,2月26日於馬來西亞上映!

King of Mahjong 《麻雀王》Official FB Page:


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